
Profile pricture 

Dhaval K Patel, PhD

Associate Professor

Faculty office-210,
GICT Building, School of Engineering and Applied Science,
Gate 6, Oppo M G Science College,
Ahmedabad University,
Near Commerce Six Roads,
Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 009, India

Office Email: dhaval.patel@ahduni.edu.in
Personal Email: dkpcad@gmail.com

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About Me

Professor Dhaval Patel is currently working as an Associate Professor at the School of Engineering and Applied Science-Ahmedabad University, India. He was a visiting faculty at Olin School of Engineering, Massachusetts, United States. Professor Patel has published research papers in IEEE Journals and Tier-1 International Conferences. He has been awarded Ahmedabad University Chairman's Awards for “Outstanding Research Contributions” and “Experiment to Advance Active Learning” in 2019 and 2021. Furthermore, he has received research funding from DST- UK India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI), DST- Association of Southeast Asian Nations and Gujarat Council on Science and Technology. Furthermore, he is a member of professional bodies like IEEE, ISTE and IETE.

His area of interest includes xG Wireless Networks, Intelligent Transportation System and Applied Machine Learning and Deep Learning.


  • Three research papers (each of 6 pages of full manuscripts with a double-blind review process) have been selected for presentations at 31st IEEE National Conference on Communications (NCC 2025). For more details, visit https://ncc2025.iiitd.ac.in/

  • Elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior Member. IEEE Senior Membership is an honor bestowed only to those who have made significant contributions to the profession.

  • Best Research Paper Award - Main Track and the Best UG Presentation Award. Our paper ranked first out of 67 full 8-page accepted papers (13.5 acceptance rate), visit https://www.comsnets.org/awards.html

  • Invited as an Expert Panel Member for the discussion on “Flying Networks: Where Do Drones and Satellites Lead Us?” at the IEEE 17th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS) during January 5-10, 2025. For more details, visit https://www.comsnets.org/panel_discussions.html

  • Four research papers (each of 8 pages of full manuscripts with a double-blind review process) have been selected for 20/10-minute podium presentations at COMSNETS 2025. For more details, visit https://www.comsnets.org/accepted_papers.html

  • Received Project Grant: Under Bharat 6G Vision, Research Project “Deployment of 6G Accelerated Smart Transportation with C-V2X on Ahmedabad-Rajkot Highway (NH47) Corridor,” has been approved for funding under the prestigious Telecom Research Excellence (TCoE) and Telecom Technology Development Fund (TTDF) Scheme under the Department of Telecommunications - Ministry of Communications, India